Wellnessentially Team

Cristi Minica
Cristi Minica is one of the Co-Founders of Wellnessentially. Cristi has an experience of more than 10 years of developing products and software and has worked with several companies from Europe and the USA. For the past 5 years, alongside Radu, they have been part of several startups in different industries: Health, Wellness and Hospitality

Daniel Deaconu
Advisor - Sales
With an incredible track record of building a company from the ground up, scaling it to 60 employees and 300 corporate clients across 6 cities in Romania, and successfully exiting, Daniel brings a wealth of real-world experience to our team. Over the past five years, he has been a go-to-market and growth consultant, helping 30+ software companies in 6 countries achieve sustainable growth. His hands-on expertise in sales, marketing, and operations—the areas that truly define the success of any startup—is unparalleled. Daniel knows what it takes to make things happen and drive consistent results, and we couldn't be more excited to have him on board as we continue our mission to redefine well-being for organizations.

Bogdan Floristeanu
Advisor - HR
A seasoned HR professional across several industries and several countries, Bogdan has always helped organizations achieve their people ambitions.With a good eye for what drives impact, you can always count on Bogdan to innovate a process or offer a new perspective that enables growth. His authentic drive for people's wellbeing helped him build the case to put it on top of the business agenda, and helps us understand the links with culture, engagement, and performance.

Raul Siderias
Advisor - Marketing
Raul is a dynamic leader in digital marketing and growth hacking, with an exceptional ability to turn data into actionable strategies that drive results. As the driving force behind srd-media and Bookingham, Raul has helped countless businesses define their goals, understand their users, and create digital experiences that deliver measurable impact. His analytical approach to marketing and PR strategies ensures that every campaign is not only innovative but also grounded in insights that foster sustainable growth. With a knack for scaling brands and building enduring strategies, Raul's expertise will play a vital role as we continue to evolve our mission of transforming workplace well-being.

Premium Partner
Ateliere și evenimente în companii, din 2010 Wellbeing.ro este furnizorul #1 de programe wellbeing personalizate pentru mediul corporate românesc.
Premium Partner
Fără stres la tine în companie! Servicii de masaj corporativ în România.
Finaqua - apă ionizată natural, alcalină și antioxidantă. Elixir al Naturii în fiecare picătură de viață
HR Club este asociatia profesionistilor de resurse umane din Romania. Ne intalnim informal de 28 de ani, functionam oficial de aproape 20 de ani, iar scopul nostru este de a incuraja dezvoltarea resurselor umane prin sprijinirea si promovarea celor mai bune practici in domeniu.
Zitamine - vitamine si suplimente naturale selectate special pentru nevoile tale și livrate lunar la ușa ta⭐. Creează planul tău nutritional
Pe www.complice.ro există sute de experiențe, de la zboruri, la escapade romantice, driving pe circuit, degustări private, melodii personalizate, experiente cu celebrități etc. In plus, pachetele FlexiBox dau posibilitatea beneficiarului să își aleagă varianta preferată din mai multe experiențe, in acelasi buget.
Mister Iron este o companie 100% Românească ce a avut ambiția să aducă pe piață un mic dejun sănătos și să transforme clasicele cereale pline de zahăr într-o variantă sănătoasă, fără zahăr adăugat, îndulcită natural, cu 30% proteină, fără gluten și vegană. În prezent ne putem mândri cu peste 40.000 de comenzi și cu produse sănătoase și pline de sațietate precum batoane, înlocuitori de chipsuri și cerealele noastre revoluționare🤩
https://mriron.roThe Team
The Wellnessentially team is currently formed of 2 full time employees, advisors and expert consultants
We are planning to expand our team in the near future, checkout our careers page

Cristi Minica

Radu Carlig
Our advisors

Daniel Deaconu
Advisor - Sales

Bogdan Floristeanu
Advisor - HR

Raul Siderias
Advisor - Marketing

Teodora Minca
Advisor - Neurology

Andrei Minca
Advisor - Therapy

Bogdan Petrescu
Advisor - UX/UI Design
Our partners
We know we can't do it all, so we choose to parter with the best

Premium partner


HR Club



